Sunday, July 8, 2018

Applied CS with Android Bootcamp Experience!

It is so well said by Bobby Unser : “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet”. 
This quote exactly revolutionized my journey as a developer!! In my third year when I was
learning basics of android and implementing them in small projects, that is when the  
opportunity to facilitate Applied CS with Android Course knocked on my door and then
 started this amazing journey!

To begin with, we attended a boot camp at Google Bangalore Office on 30th-31st August 2017
where facilitators from colleges across India were present. Very soon the wonderful interactions
and  discussions had started pouring in that room with various experiences and expertise 
shared by previous  facilitators from different institutions across India. They shared their 
challenges and learning experiences while conducting sessions at their campus. Also there
were enlightening talks by Googlers and our Program Coordinators to guide us into conducting 
sessions. There was immense enthusiasm among all the facilitators and we all aimed to conduct 
sessions back home with the motto to transform CS theory into practise and bringing foundational
Computer Science and Android Skills together!

At PICT, I then formed a team with Rucha Tambe : Developer Students Lead, PICT with a 
similar initiative of transforming concepts into applications. We formed a group PICT Applied 
CS and DSC under which we have been conducting Android sessions every weekend right 
since October 2017. We conducted the sessions in two phases : basics and intermediate 
targeting audience from all classes.

We feel immense pleasure and content to see the results of this club where many novice coders
were driven into development and started working on some great projects! The entire journey has 
been a great learning experience for me , strengthening me as a developer. Also This opportunity
has given me a community of like minded developers from all across the country! All in all it was
an experience beyond words and thanking Google and PICT for this wouldn’t be enough!!

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